© Photography by Henri Kirsch www.iamhumanz.com

berlin / 12.-13.10.2024

“It was a wild mix of styles and activities. It was great to have been there. Thank you for everything and until another time.” Louis Sterck


“I am very thankful. It was exactly the best way for me to spend this weekend! To give support and get support warms my heart a lot”
Josephine Aysché


“I'm happy I managed to be part of this again, and although there was much tiredness, I felt rejuvenated and inspired afterwards. I'm so glad to be part of the community, to see how it evolves every time. It gives me a sense of belonging and that is very dear to me”. Leela Rutovitz

Program & facilitators

Trance Dance Ritual

Kiran Anand



Rio Abierto System
Gabriela Cornejo

X-Dance / 5Rhythms®

Samar Linn


Awareness through Movement and Voice
Joris Camelin


Dance Alchemy / Sufi Whirling / Talking to Your Body-Mind
Dhyana Vargas
Ecstatic Dance
DJ  Goranji


Contact Improvisation
Liz Erber


Piano Concert

Rittik Wystup


Live Sufi Music

Dogukan Karakus & Yazdan Jamshidi

© Photography by Henri Kirsch www.iamhumanz.com

berlin / 14.-15.10.2023

“The weekend really touched, opened and connected me.” Micha Mai


“Beautiful wisdom came up through the experience. I feel more aware, free, in peace with my fears and challenges and with more trust in myself and life.” Miriam Pavese


“Amazing unbelievable experience. Everything was organized with so much love and care that it just felt like home: place, people, voices, colors, tastes and my inner self felt like motherland.” Daryna Blyshchuk

Program & facilitators


Bettina Leuckert


Open Floor
Tamara Romaniuk



Florencia Lamarca
Awareness through Movement and Voice
Joris Camelin
Ecstatic Dance and Art Journey
DJ Leela and Leila


Dance Alchemy / Sufi Whirling / Talking to Your Body-Mind
Dhyana Vargas


Tea Ceremony & Mindfulness with Handpan
Leila and Bart
Gurdjieff Sacred Dances

 Ananda Zambrano


Live Music

Dogukan Karakus, Ufuk Elik & Ruşen Can Acet

© Photography by Jens Wazel www.jenswazelphotography.com

berlin / 01.-03.10.2022

“Thank you so much for letting every fiber and cell of my body move, be moved and express itself. Shaking everything especially my heart.” Lærke Knudsen

“I feel so uplifted, energized, heart opened. Thank you all who made that much needed experience possible.” Jeanne Kaiser

“Conscious Dance Festival was my very first dance festival ever. It felt scary and exciting to join because I wasn't sure what to expect. I wasn't sure am I the kind of person this festival was for. Luckily all my worries were proven unnecessary. You made me feel welcome from the very beginning. The festival was full of so many small details that made me appreciate how much love and thought you had put to make it happen. I think you people are doing something truly beautiful. I am so grateful for this experience. Hope to dance with you again soon!" Anni Sirkka

Program & facilitators


Florencia Lamarca


X-Dance / 5Rhythms®

Samar Linn


Soul Motion

Jens Wazel


From Head To Heart – Improvisation into Moving and Voicing /

Massage Journey

Joris Camelin


Dance Alchemy / Sensing in Movement / Sufi Whirling

Dhyana Vargas


Organic Dance

Karina Suárez-Bosche


Body-Mind Centering®

Maren Hillert


Sound Healing

Sarasai Müge Tas


Breathing Tea Ceremony

Anne Pawlak


Ecstatic Dance

DJ Goranji


Live Music

Shingo Masuda & Hakan Tugrul

© Photography and Video by Omid Mohadjeri  www.aztufilms.com

berlin / 02.-03.10.2021

“I feel deeply gratitude for that weekend. It was stunning to dance with all the people, feel so much emotions by dancing, getting into flow out of mind, even if it was just for seconds. There were a few moments of body mind blowing, what it means to dance with myself. A new level of self consciousness.” Constance Künzel


“Conscious Dance Festival was just what my body and soul needed. I enjoyed the safety of the place, the trust. It enabled me to open up. Most of the techniques I knew from long ago, but going deeper into the experience was so beautiful and beneficial. It was a blessing for me.” Vineet Withopf


“It was a fulfilled, joyful, very intensiv experience for me!”

Constanze Fischer


“Almost two hours of eternal whirling…Berlin is a rather tough city. But the festival was the opposite. Warmth, spirituality, warm music, close dances, tender hearts.” Pedro Burruezo

Program & facilitators

Dance Alchemy

Dhyana Vargas


From head to heart – Voice & Movement Journey

Joris Camelin


Open Floor

Tamara Romaniuk


Ecstatic Dance

DJ Vesica


Sonic Ritual Live Music

Mallika Paritosh


Feeling into Movement

Michael Rolnick


 5 Rhythms®

Wiebke Thiele


Touching Base with Live Music

Corinne Castelli / Music by Valentina Bellanova


Sufi Whirling with Live Music
Dhyana Vargas


Live Music
Pedro Burruezo & Robert Santamaria

© Photography and Video by Omid Mohadjeri  www.aztufilms.com

berlin / 03.-04.10.2020

"Tears in my eyes, a big smile on my face and new friends by my hands - let me call these the beautiful side effects of a weekend full of movement and stillness, rich in sound and in silence. Within and beyond all of that there had been an unspoken invitation. An invitation to meet myself. To explore who I am just a little bit more. This experience, in a way, has brought me back home - back into my heart. For that I am very grateful."  Omid Mohadjeri

“Vielen lieben und herzlichen Dank für dieses tolle Wochenende! Ich habe mich die ganze Zeit sehr wohl und gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Das ganze Wochenende hat mich wieder mehr zu mir selbst und meinen Wurzeln als Bewegungsschaffende gebracht. Ich bin ziemlich erfüllt und geerdet am Sonntag nach Hause gefahren und fühle seit dem, dass die außen Welt anders und positiver auf mich zurück wirkt. Viele Knoten lösen sich gerade und es kehrt eine Leichtigkeit in mein Leben zurück.” Barbara Esch


I feel soft, a strong connection and a detox inside of my body after both days. After the first day a lot of struggles came up and I felt shaky and sad. This energy was cleaned by the second day. It was amazing! Thanks for this journey." Lilith Roessler

“Es war eine ganz tolle Kombination von Workshops, fantastische Workshopleiter*innen und ein insgesamt sehr rundes abwechslungsreiches Programm. Mir hat es wirklich riesigen Spaß gemacht und die erwünschte Entspannung und „zurück in den Körper - raus aus dem Kopf“-Wirkung gebracht. Ganz ganz wunderbar.” C.B.

Program & facilitators

As Love Moves

Sangeet Portals



Florencia Lamarca


Ecstatic Dance

Ben Pavlidis


Poetic Sound Journey & Gong Bath

Mallika Paritosh & Spectral Solas


From Feldenkrais into Dancing

Adalisa Menghin


 5 Rhythms®

Dagmar Cee


From head to heart – Sounds in Movement

Joris Camelin


Sufi whirling with Live Music
Dhyana Vargas


Live Music

Farhang Moshtagh & Kimia Bani

© Photography and Video by Jens Wazel www.jenswazelphotography.com

berlin / 05.-06.10.2019

“¡Muchas gracias! I was flying on my bike with my aching body through sunny Berlin. I have seen so much beauty, felt so much love this weekend. Full of gratitude and inspiration.” Robert Winter

“The Berlin 2019 festival was incredible! So well organised and you could tell all the hard work the organisers put into formulating the line-up and structuring the programme. Each day of the weekend event built up gradually so that you didn't get too tired to enjoy it, and each facilitator added a new, intriguing element. It was a beautiful experience which left me feeling so naturally high, happy and inspired. Two days later I still feel the immense benefits from it. Thank you Dhyana and Lara for sharing this with us. Highly recommended.” Ciara Cunnane


“The best experience I had last year was at the Conscious Dance Festival: great organisation behind high level dancers, teachers, movement lovers who guided us –100+ people– through the discovery and managing of our energy.” Maria Vittoria Caputo

Program & facilitators

Sensing Body
Saša Pavić


Open Floor

Maegan Gorbett (DJ Alma Omega)


From Head to Heart: voice and movement journey

Joris Camelin


Soul Motion

Jens Wazel


Sound Meditation

Roy Sunak


Organic Dance

Karina Suárez Bosche

5 Rhythms®

Dagmar Cee

Rio Abierto System

Linne Melinkat


Sufi whirling with Live Music
Dhyana Vargas


Live Music

Hakan Tugrul & Evren Can Kaman

© Photography by Carmen Escudero www.carmenescudero.com

berlin / 03.-04.11.2018

“I absolutely loved it! It was wonderful to be surrounded by so many kind people, everyone was such in a good energy. When I got back home I felt in peace, happy, joyful, lighter, and more connected to my soul.”

Léa Vandevoorde

“All the teachers were very good and all very likeable. They
all have  a beautiful charisma and created a loving atmosphere. I was inspired.”

Ivo Knippenberg


Thank you again for organizing this wonderful dance festival with so much personal charm and spirit. I liked the openness and diversity about the workshops and participants. It was a truly enriching experience.

Gert Hellerich

Program & facilitators

Embodying Voice
Corinne Castelli

Martina Weinheimer

Rio Abierto System

Brunhilde Kerschbaumer


Soundhealing & Meditation

Kabiro Ubago - Music by Shingo Masuda

Bodywork and Massage Journey
Zahiro Kai -
Music by Saša Pavić


Contact Improvisation

Mireia Aragones

Ecstatic Dance


Sufi whirling with Live Music - Homage to Oruç Güvenc
Dhyana Vargas


Live Music - Homage to Oruç Güvenc

Valentina Bellanova and Shingo Ali Masuda

Berlin / 07.10.2017

The first edition of the Conscious Dance Festival took place in Berlin on 7 October 2017 at Lake Studios.

It was a wonderful and inspiring experience that gave us the motivation to keep sharing this passion for dance and meditation in the future with more of you.

“The Conscious Dance Festival was great fun, pleasure and inspiration!!!
Special thanks to all of you organizing a beautiful program, buffet, togetherness. Your caring sharing was very touching and nourishing!!!” Katja Sehl

“It was a pleasure to be part of the first "seed" of Conscious Dance Festival. May many more follow! I enjoyed the open, heartful atmosphere that you created.” Nina Wehnert


Program & facilitators

Body-Mind Centering® & Contact Improvisation

Nina Wehnert


5 Rhythms®

Marika Heinemann



Pablo Escorcia


Sufi Whirling

Dhyana Vargas


Ecstatic Dance

Jaya Kusche


Tel.: +49 177 50 31 675